@extends('layouts.app') @section('title', 'Payment Status') @section('content')
SI.No. | Service Name | Sum of Retail Cost | Sum of Wholesale Cost | Sum of Platform Cost | Sum of Reseller Cost | No of Service Orders |
SI.No. | Vendor Name | Lender Name | Order Id | Service Order Id | Service Provider | Service Product | Service Sub Product | Tracking ID | Borrower/Business Name | Property Address | Service Order Status | Order Status | {{-- // LATEST CHANGEs --}}Zero Fee | {{-- // LATEST CHANGEs --}}Created | Updated | Retail Cost | Wholesale Cost | Platform Cost | Additional Cost | Reseller Cost | Invoice No. | Invoice Generation Date | Lender Payment Status | Invoice Attachements | Vendor Invoice No. | Vendor Payment Status | Reseller Invoice No. | Reseller Payment Status | Action |