12902 E. Sprague Avenue
Spokane Valley, WA 99216
(509) 789-4335
{{date("F d,Y")}}
{{$delinquentdetails[0]->city}} , {{$delinquentdetails[0]->short_code}} {{$delinquentdetails[0]->zip}}
RE: Loan Number {{$delinquentdetails[0]->loan_no}}
Delinquent Property Taxes
Dear Customer:
A recent search of property tax authority records indicate taxes for the real property secured by the above referenced loan are delinquent as of the dates listed below.
Based on the terms outlined in your Note and Mortgage/Deed of Trust, you are required to pay and keep current all property taxes.
If payment has already been made, please forward a copy of the paid receipt from the taxing authority to Loan Support at the address listed above within 30 days from the date of this letter. You can also email the paid receipt to loansupport@statebanknw.com.
If the amounts are still due, please contact the tax authority below to obtain the current amount to pay and send directly to them. Please do not send funds to pay taxes to this office.
Failure to pay property taxes may constitute a default under the terms of your loan.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
Total Amount | {{"$". number_format($totalbalance,2)}} |
*Due to accrued interest or taxing authority fees, you may owe more than the total amount listed above.
Tax Authority: {{$delinquentdetails[0]->agency_name}}
Tax Authority Telephone: {{$delinquentdetails[0]->phone}}